ManageEngine OpManager Free Edition

ManageEngine OpManager Free Edition 9.0

Image ManageEngine OpManager Free Edition 9.0
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  • Developer:

    ZOHO Corp

  • OS:

    Windows 7/Vista/XP

  • License:


  • Updated:

    April 24, 2019

  • "Monitors networks of both servers and computers"

ManageEngine OpManager Free Edition is a tool with which network administrators can manage all the devices and connections available to the company.

Thanks to him they will be able to control the networks Wan or VoIP, virtual servers, physical servers... It also includes drivers for MySQL databases, Windows Services, Processors, files, folders, logs and others.

Supports network mapping and analyzes the use and consumption of data traffic from different networks. It also monitors all equipment and peripherals that are connected to the network. An extensive database of over 700 branded drivers is available to ensure equipment compatibility.